Developer & Server Owner
Passionate developer creating Discord bots, Rust Plugins, and Web developing
Featured Projects
Discord Bots
Pop Bot
Real-time server status Discord bot that displays current player count in bot status and provides detailed server information through embeds. Features live player count updates, server rules display, and connection information using BattleMetrics API integration.
Ticket System
Automated support ticket management system for Discord servers.
Player Hours Checker
Discord bot that analyzes player statistics using BattleMetrics API to detect idle/botted hours and maintain server integrity.
Rust Plugins
Advanced support system plugin that freezes and mutes players while displaying a GUI prompt. Features automatic ban system for players who disconnect during check, integrated Discord notifications for staff, and real-time status updates in dedicated Discord channels.
Time Bot
A Rust plugin that displays the current server time and day/night cycle information to players in-game, helping players track time-sensitive events and activities.
Ban System
Advanced ban management system for Rust servers with automated enforcement.
Custom Plugins
Various custom plugins for enhancing Rust server functionality and player experience.
Personal Portfolio
Modern and interactive portfolio website showcasing my projects, skills, and development experience with smooth animations and responsive design.
Lithium Shop
Feature-rich e-commerce platform for Lithium Rust server with secure payments and game server integration.